Rabbits graze close to their burrows, producing short ‘lawns’ along field edges.The tree is left in tatters, but finding the velvet is rare as the deer eat it.Deer fray saplings to clean the velvet off their antlers – red and fallow fray in July and August, roe in April and May.Deer (and sheep and goats) leave a smooth cut on one edge and a jagged cut on the other if they bite with their incisors, or a frayed end if they use their cheek teeth.These teeth are characteristically thin, flat-bottom teeth that help us to make the initial bite on our food. There are eight incisors in the mouth four in the top-center of our mouth and four in the bottom-center. Rabbits and hares leave a smooth, sloping cut. Incisors are often the first adult teeth that grow in after our primary teeth, or baby teeth, and make up most of our smile. Rabbits, hares and deer all chew young twigs.Water vole faeces are much larger than those of other voles. Lots of faeces are generally found at feeding sites.They feed on larger plants and their tooth marks are twice as large. Water voles leave similar signs but feed close to the water’s edge.Field voles leave distinctive runways through dense vegetation with piles of chewed green vegetation – often rushes or young grass shoots – in sheltered sites. Of the rodents, it is mainly voles that feed on herbaceous plants.Deer leave narrow paths, feed less intensively in one area and do not flatten large areas when feeding.Characteristic features are criss-cross stems lying on the ground with the grain stripped out by the badgers pulling the heads through their teeth. When feeding on cereals, badgers typically flatten an area close to the field edge.Bank voles climb and may gnaw well above ground level, often around the base of branches.Field voles often girdle a sapling just above ground level.

Rabbits, hares and rodents leave upper and lower tooth marks, generally at right angles to trunk.Deer leave broad, characteristic upward gouges from lower incisors.Tree bark is most often chewed when the sap is rising and in winter.The origin of pieces: 11 amazing ways animals have evolved.What would happen if sheep stopped grazing our hillside?.